Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Product Tps - They're baaaack!

It's time to post tips for the readers who are starting or moving through the process. Here's a tip for those preparing for surgery, whether it be a mastectomy or reconstruction. Either way you are probably going to end up with drains.  Oh drains....I just love drains!
You know that's super sarcastic and I really, really, really hate drains.  That said, having a single drain this time and having dealt with them before, this time isn't so  bad. Now, in 13 days, when I have 3 of these suckers, I won't be so tolerant.
Back to the tip. With one drain, it hasn't been a big deal managing it. I've selected clothing items with pockets so I haven't had to pin the bulb to my clothes. This will all change when I'm back up to 3. I was aware of this item the last time but I thought I could handle the pinning.  Not again! So here's my tip. Get a nice little belt with pouches for your drain bulbs  Easy! You can add and remove the pouches - it comes with 4.  It's less than $25 and well worth it. They also have camisoles but if you think you might want one from this site, you'd better hurry. They are going away. I'm sure other sites might have them.

For any cancer patient, this site is good for all types of things. They have hats, wigs and other items you might not even know you need. I ordered my bra AKA "The Bean Bags" and have been very happy with it. I also ordered a halo wig.


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