Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Dear Mom

Dear Mom,

Yes, I'm going to embarrass you with blog post that all about you! I tell you that I love you a lot. I say thank you a lot. What I don't do is shout to the world how special you are. (Dad is special too but his day is in June!). Here's what I know...

I know that I was a challenging child...and I'm now reminded of it every single day because there is a Mini Me living in my house. She is strong willed and opinionated, even at age 5. I don't always love the fact that she asks why or pushes back, but I know that once we get past the teenage years, those personality traits will serve her well.  I was once a strong-willed, opinionated 5 year old but you never treated that as a negative. I know (for a FACT) it had to be frustrating at times but you never tried to change me. You never told me I was bossy or that I needed to act more like a shy little girl. You let me be me, even when being me included funky hair, funky clothes (which you did manage well - I would have been funkier without your guidance) and you even loved me when I pierced my own ear...5 times. I'd like to think that I've grown into an OK adult. Whatever I might do right, as a parent or just a human, I'm pretty sure the credit can go to you.

I know that you were a great role model for me. I watched you and how you "did it all" when I was growing up. You went back to work when I started 1st grade. You figured out how to work 12 hour days but still got Karla and I where we needed to go. Dance, choir practice and the pool in the summer. I never felt like you were absent or that we were missing out on anything. I'm still challenged with the work/life balance and some days I wonder how you kept it all together and kept your sanity. If only I could be a awesome as you!

I know that I love the fact that you treat my husband like he's one of your own. When your crazy, loud mouth, bitchy daughter brought home the quiet gorgeous guy, I'm pretty sure you didn't have any idea that he would still be putting up with me 27 years later. Thank you for making him feel like part of the family and being there for him through all of my issues.

I know that you are a wonderful grandmother. I made you wait a little longer than most but I know you love those little people right down to your soul. I feel so blessed that they get to spend time with you. I have mixed emotions about the whole "spoiling thing" but I know that's part of the grandparent gig so I will keep my mouth shut...most of the time.

I know that the phone call I made to you in March 2014 was the single most difficult thing I've ever had to do in my life. I wasn't emotional over my diagnosis, I was emotional because I knew how hard you were going to take the news. The last thing I ever want to do, ever, is cause you pain and I knew that call was going to hurt...a lot. I knew you would be shocked, confused, emotional and terrified. I hate that we were so far apart and that I had to break the news to you over the phone, that I couldn't hug you and look you in the eyes and tell you that I was ready to fight like Hell!

I know that you should have spent the last year enjoying your retirement, spending time with your friends in Florida. Without hesitation you came home and did so many things for Bobby and the kids that I just couldn't. You helped keep everything somewhat normal during the months of treatment. You kept the babies during the worst part of my treatment cycles so they wouldn't have to see me that way. You helped with drop offs, pick ups, groceries, you were Mattie's "dance mom", my nurse, and so much more! I can never, ever, ever, thank you enough for your love, support and your faith.

On this Mother's Day, I want you know that I hope I can be half the mom to my children that you've been to me. Those are big shoes to fill but there is not a day that goes my that I don't catch myself wondering WWMD (What Would Mom Do?).

I know that you are one special lady and I am beyond blessed to call you Mom.

Happy Mother's Day MimMim, I love you so very much!


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