Monday, May 25, 2015

Cancer Patient Problems: Summer Edition

Happy Memorial Day Weekend to my blog friends! I hope you are enjoying a bit of a break and remembering why we have this holiday.

So, let's get into it. Today I'm doing another one of my (sort of) educational posts. A cancer diagnosis is life changing in so many ways. If you haven't had the joy of walking this journey then you may not realize the types of changes and/or life modifications which need to be made. That's why I'm here, sharing my business!  You're welcome.

As you may, or may not, be aware, I had some lymph node work done last year...among other things. That puts me at risk for a lovely condition called lymphedema. Apparently, our lymph systems prefer to be left alone to do their work and can get a bit grumpy if disturbed.
I will forever be at risk of my left arm being flooded with lymphatic fluid - yes, it's not a pleasant thought. Anything on that arm that triggers that system to kick in puts me at risk. Like what, you ask?  I'm not to have needle sticks or have blood pressure taken on that side. I have to be cautious, all the time. A paper cut, a bug bite, sunburn, a scratch. Do you see the challenge here? It's summer. That means sunburns, bug bites, scratches...  That also means I shall spend the summer sporting the following accessories:

And my look, now and forever, will be pasty.  That's depressing. Even when I have a re-built bathing suit ready body, I will be frighteningly white. YUCK  I know I can do a fake tan but I don't like orange and, my luck, that crap causes cancer too. So pasty and covered it shall be. 

I'll be back later with another post. 

Love to all!

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