Sunday, May 10, 2015

A Mother's Day Letter to my Mother In Law

Dear Mom #2,

I'm not sure how many married folk are blessed to be able to say that they not only get along with their mother in law, but love and adore her. I feel so blessed to fall into this category. You have been a part of my life for all but the first 15 years of my existence.  Let that soak in for a minute.  (When Bobby and I started dating, you were younger than I am now.) We are always straight with one another and we don't always agree but somehow that works for us.  You are feisty and, at times, fiery and I love that about you. Over the years, I've not only grown to consider you my second mom, but a friend. We talk family, health, work, movies, books, and maybe a little gossip here and there.

I grew up in a world that revolved around family so joining the Doolin family, even in the early days, felt very comfortable to me. Your fierce love for and loyalty to your family is undeniable. You have always been there for us and we can't ever thank you enough. We've been through a lot during the past 27 years together and I'm looking forward to many more to come...the years, not the drama...I'm good with the drama.  :-)

So, on this Mother's Day, I want you to know that Doolin kid #4 loves you more than you might know and is thankful for you each and every day (even on your more feisty days).

I love you Granny Bug,

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