Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Happy Tuesday To Ya!

What's up blog friends? I thought I would stop by and post a little something. I miss having the time to sit down and write more but I'm spending my time taking care of me, parenting/wifing and working. That stuff takes up a lot of hours. Who knew?
For some reason, today was a rough one for me. I hit a wall at about 3:00 PM and was completely drained as I headed home. I made it safely, ate dinner (thankfully, I had a crock pot thing going already so it was ready for us when we got home), and then moved on to 90 minutes of Andrea Work! 45 minutes on the treadmill, Upper Fix and 10 trips up and down the stairs. I'm am now REALLY exhausted but hyped up from the exercise. So here I am. LUCKY YOU!

Tomorrow is a Herceptin day so I get plugged in. Woohoo! We've already received an alert that school will be on a 1 hour delay again tomorrow. That's going to mess with my schedule...if they end up calling off school that's REALLY going to mess with my schedule. I shall figure it all out...somehow I always do.
I have to say that I've been pushing myself really hard over the past month. I'm trying to balance everything. That's the trick, isn't it? Trying to make it all work. It's not easy but it's doable. You just have to pay close attention to all of the balls you're juggling and just try to keep all of them in the air. Focus on yourself, spend time with your family, do a good job at work and just try not to feel like something on your list isn't getting adequate attention. I still haven't figured out how to do it all on a full night's sleep, but I'm getting closer...more efficient.
I know it wasn't a long visit but I must run. I need to soak, continue reading my latest Mt Everest book, do a little work and turn it before it gets too late. 

Much love to all! Back soon,

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