Wednesday, December 24, 2014

They call me VapoRub

Stop what you are doing and buy stock in Vick's. I'm slathered in so much of this stuff that, not only will the dog not come near me, he actually got up and left the room. That's saying something considering he's periodically attracted to the litter box. This chest gunk situation is not looking good for me at the moment. I just finished day 5 of my antibiotic and I really don't feel any better than I did on Friday. In fact, I may be a bit worse, it's hard to tell. I did get some relief last night. One of my nurses suggested that I go home and have Bobby "pat" me on the back for about 15 minutes. Hitting sounds too violent so we'll describe it as firm pat.  With every couple of "pats" I would start to cough - you know, in that "I've been smoking for 80 years and I can't seem to catch my breath" kind of cough. We pushed through and I felt like it helped but I was still not Well, at 3 AM things decided to start to work - I will spare you the details but let's just say that I feared that I was about to experience a scene from The Exorcist. This is good news but it was not entirely pleasant. We went through the whole "patting the back thing" again tonight. I followed it with a hot bath and the VapoRubDown. I fear that another trip to the doctor will be on the schedule before the end of the week. If I can't get this stuff to move, that could be bad. I shall keep a positive attitude, continue to bathe in VapoRub, hang tightly to my inhaler and continue with the percussion treatment. 
I don't want to talk about my skin - we are not on speaking terms at the moment. It's quite angry and I've had to take the huge step of covering a spot with a Lalaloopsy bandage.   Desperate times call for desperate I right?  I'm a little bummed that I didn't end up with a Bea Spells-A-Lot bandage - maybe next time.

We are preparing for time with family - I will require naps over the next few days, for certain, but it's all worth it. I expect to be able to post several times before the end of the year but, just in case, please have a very Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah (I know it's wrapping up but I hope it's been lovely), or a happy close to 2014...whatever you celebrate this time of year, I hope you are surrounded by family, joy, love and peace.  Count your blessings, hug your loved ones, say what needs to be said and do something special for someone because giving is the best gift of all!
I must sleep a bit now. Bobby and I will be up and down several times tonight tending to the country ham. Yes, The LD is currently filled with the aroma of down home country goodness. 
Goodnight my friends!

Love and warm holiday wishes to ALL!
Andee aka Wheezy aka VapoRub 

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