Sunday, December 28, 2014

Holy cow, 2014 is almost over

Well, hello friends!
I'm pretty excited that I'm writing this blog post from my Kindle with my new little keyboard. I love it! I don't have to haul out the laptops or belly up to the desktop to post. This is so great. It's amazing how such small things can make you BIG HAPPY.  lol
Let's get the health stuff out of the way.

  • Skin - my skin is on the upswing. The blistered and raw areas are finally healing. I had to resort to bandaids and gauze for a few days to make it tolerable but the worst is over (that's me you hear, knocking on wood). I still have a wicked awesome tropical tan...that's about the size of a dish towel. I'm still smiling because it's over!
  • Lungs - this one has been tough. I finished my ZPack on Tuesday but continued to use my inhaler because the stuff in my lungs did not want to move and over the last couple of days, it was getting harder to breathe. I was fully prepared to go back to the doctor tomorrow...which I still might, but we'll cover why in the next bullet.  Yesterday was full of constant, ugly, dry coughing but, thankfully, my aunt spent a lot of time whacking me on the back. One of my other aunts even stepped in to take some shots. I'm so thankful to both of them because last night, everything started to finally break up. I've also been using some essential oils - RC and Thieves have been in rotation. The RC helped my breathing more than my inhaler but for shorter periods. The downside of things breaking up was that I awoke at 2:30 AM and coughed non-stop until about 4. I was finally able to settle things down and get some rest. Now for the new wrinkle...
  • At the same time we were finally able to get concrete out of my lungs, I've been hit with a cold. Really. I woke up with morning with the classic head cold symptoms on top of my (improving) lung issues. I'm pretty sure I can just wait this one out but if I feel worse tomorrow, it's back to the doctor I go. 
I get sick like clockwork. Every single December/January I get sick. I've heard of people who get sick  when things calm down - you can include me there. I get sick during holidays, vacations, I got sick between treatments. I guess it's nice that it happens during the slower (work wise) times of the year but it really makes the holidays/vacations kinda crappy.

(Warning: change of subject)

If you've looked at a calendar lately, you probably noticed that 2014 is coming to an end. How did that happen? Anyway, that means that my next project is about to commence. It's Operation FatBeGone! My feet are feeling better and I can almost breathe so it's time to get this party started. I'll have to start out slow with the exercise but diet can get going right out of the gate. I'm pretty excited to start seeing some changes. It might sound crazy to you but the weight gain has bothered me more than the mastectomy, as far as self image. I am still happy overall but just miserable about my appearance.  If you know me well, you know that I don't like to have my picture taken...especially these days. If you follow along o Instagram, that statement might be confusing to you since I've been posting selfies - bald & fat, with fuzz and fat, with some hair and has not been easy to click "post" but for some reason, I feel better after I do it. I keep thinking that maybe it will help someone else down the road. It reminds me that being bald or gaining weight isn't the worst that could happen. It helps me to just get over it, post the pic and move on. It will also be cool to see before and after when the changes start happening. 
So here's the plan. I'll be starting with Weight Watchers Online to track my food, etc. Points have worked well for me before so I'm going back to it. I'll continue WW as I transition to a diet that is primarily plant based. The Doolin house is also cutting back on sugar - that includes Bobby...that's HUGE! He's been so supportive and he's told me that he'll eat what I eat. That's commitment.  
I'll track my progress publicly like I have with everything else. Y'all know all of the rest of my business so why stop now?

It's time to go take some medicine, read to my children and get to bed...hopefully soon. 

Love to all!

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