Friday, December 19, 2014

There are some things you can count on

Welcome to my first post-treatment post.


Guess what we get to talk about in this new phase of my health!! Can you believe it? Yes friends, true to form, I am sick. I have a tendency to get sick during "down time". It's as if my body fights off the cooties when I need to be healthy and as soon as life slows down just a bit, BAM...I come down with something. It's a gift. I was sick most of the time between chemo ending and radiation starting. I guess I never really fully recovered from that. Nothing serious, just some nuisance issues. Once radiation started I noticed some irritating chest congestion. Again, nothing serious but annoying. I assumed that the treatment itself had something to do with it. I never had a fever, never really felt sick but it kept getting progressively worse. Well, last weekend it started to get worse - I would cough a lot at night and the chest gunk seemed to get worse at night. I tried to catch my nurse on Monday but she was busy so I waited until Tuesday to ask her about it. She said it had nothing to do with radiation. She said that it can happen but it's typically weeks or months after treatment ends. (Oh my!) She said if it didn't get better I should see my family doctor. Well, the wheezing and crackling in my lungs became more pronounced yesterday so, today, off to the doc I went.  I'm now on strong antibiotics and an inhaler and I shall be sleeping in the recliner tonight. The chair, also know as Andrea's Recovery Chair, has been through a lot with me. Just in the past 8 years it's seen me through 5 surgical procedures, a high risk pregnancy (with raging heartburn) and a case of pneumonia. Wait - maybe the chair likes taking care of me and is causing all of this drama...I shall rename her Christine. lol

I'm praying that over the next few days I will be able to finish a sentence with out breaking into coughing fit which rivals that of a 75 year smoker. Wish me luck.

Love to all!

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