Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Things I'd love to eat but am afraid chemo will forever ruin

We have established the fact that my taste buds are a complete train wreck. I'm mentally craving so many things but I fear that chemo will forever ruin these particular things if I were to eat them now. This is some kind of torture. The items are listed in no particular order.

Beer Cheese Nachos from Saul Good
Beer cheese & 4 white cheese steak nachos
Photo from  Submitted by Ray H.
Kiwi Quencher from Tropical Smoothie Cafe

Malone's Salmon w/Asparagus


Breakfast @ Cracker Barrel....what?! I didn't say it was healthy. We're talking comfort here, people!
From  - photo submitted by M.M.

Tomato & Basil Pesto Pizza
image from
My own meatball shame here...

Stuffed peppers

I've got to stop here...I need to go to sleep or I'm going to head to the kitchen...

Love to all!!

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