Saturday, June 14, 2014

I am in one seriously wacky sleep cycle

Let me start by saying that I started this post in the 2 o'clock hour this morning. It was brief but I did it from my phone and somehow exited out and lost it. At that hour, I was not terribly interested in starting over so here I am again.
After yesterday's marathon sleep session I wasn't sure how the rest of the day would go. Would I be sleepy? Would I be awake for another 12 hours...or more?  Who knows what to expect with these crazy chemicals coursing through your veins. In my case, I was sleepy again by supper time. I was able to eat and make it until after 7PM before heading to bed.  I'm not sure what time exactly - not that anyone cares anyway.  But I slept until Bobby woke me for my 10 PM meds. We each had a bowl of cereal - nice quality time together - and then I headed back to bed. I thought I'd change things up a bit and turn on a movie and fall right to sleep. What movie did I choose? The Dark Knight Rises.

As you might guess, this was not a good choice if your goal is sleep. First, I'm a Christian Bale fan...just like him for some reason.  Also, the movie is good, the cast is good, heck, the series is good! I also like most of the movies Christopher Nolan makes...I was hooked at Memento. Don't get me started on Inception. I just love smart, somewhat complicated movies. Anyway, this movie is not a lullaby, nor is it boring, nor is it several hours later, I was still awake. It may have been close to 3 AM by the time I got to sleep but I then slept in until almost 9 this morning. I could go back to bed right now but I'm trying to get close to a normal cycle again. I have a feeling I'll be taking a bit of a snooze after lunch today.

For now, I'm up and about. I'm a slouch, but dressed. I have makeup on so I don't scare anyone and I've been enjoying time on the patio. The weather is LOVELY and the breeze is fabulous. Granny Bug and Papaw Bob (Bobby's parents, for the 3 people who may not know) are here and Bug is working on lunch. Mmmmmm!

I'll check in later. Enjoy your day, friends!

Love to all,

1 comment:

  1. Well, I'm one of the 3 who didn't know. :) We're Christian Bale fans, too. Good choice.
