Monday, June 23, 2014

Can it be here already?

Friends, this week we will mark a significant milestone. It's now been 3 months and 6 days since "Lump Day" and on Wednesday I will have the last treatment in round one.


This round of 4 treatments began on May 14 and the fourth and final session is Wednesday morning. I will be so happy to mark an entire section off the treatment plan.  The next round will start in a couple of weeks and will consist of 12 weekly treatments. I'm interested to see how this one is going to go. 12 weeks...deep breath....12 weeks....I can do this! This will be the lengthiest of the 3 rounds - it will not include the most sessions, the duration will be the longest. After this I move on to 33 radiation treatments but those will happen every weekday until complete. 

Today and tomorrow I will be spending quality time with my children before they are whisked away for a weekend of fun while Mommy sleeps.  

Progress, friends...progress!!

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