Friday, October 26, 2018

Post visit updates

Hello friends!
Today was a busy one and I'm worn out but I thought I would stop by and give you an update. There was good news and bad news. I'm happy to report that my annual follow up with my surgeon went well. All is clear - no lumps, bumps or anything that wasn't supposed to be there. The not-so-great news was that our attempt to extend the time between PT visits didn't work out as planned. Apparently, a month is long enough for things to go sideways! A little bit of scar tissue, a little lymphedema and a ridiculously stiff neck. IT'S GREAT BEING ME!  LOL
The good news is that I'm back to going every 2 weeks and we should be able to get everything under control.  *crossing fingers

Until next time!
Love to all

Tuesday, October 23, 2018


Funny story. My anxiety levels prior to mY follow up appointments seems to be increasing exponentially the closer I get to the 5 year milestone.  You'd think that things would get easier - NOPE! Not for me anyway.

More to come.

Love to all

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

It's October...Guess what that means

Image result for mammogram humor

Hello friends! I'm back! I have failed, on a grand scale, to keep up with my goal of posting weekly but that's about to change. Regular posts are coming back but, for now, it's October and you know what that means...

It's time to talk about getting your mammos grammed!! 

Yes, ladies. Here we are again. It's October and you're probably being inundated with messages about breast cancer awareness. You're being tempted by all things pink (and in October, every damn thing is pink).  Don't get distracted by pleas to "save the ta tas". This month is about taking control of your health and staying in front of issues. You can live without ta tas (trust me, I know) so let's focus on keeping you healthy and, possibly, save your life!

This won't be a long post (you're welcome) but will be a not-so-gentle reminder that you need to get that mammogram. Let's review the reasons why you should schedule your mammogram ASAP!

  • I don't care that it's uncomfortable - it can save your life.
  • Mammograms are uncomfortable but they are WAY better than chemo, radiation, mastectomy and reconstruction (or any combination of those things). Trust me on this one.
  • Think of your daughter, niece, heck, any young lady you know. Now imagine that she tells you she isn't going to get a mammogram because they are uncomfortable and she has no family history, etc.(just a reminder - something like 80% of breast cancer patients have no family history)
    Face it, it sounds equally as ridiculous when YOU say things like that.

You are a smart, strong, fabulous woman. Act like the badass that you are (even if it's only for an hour or so) and schedule that mammogram!  And be sure you actually go to the appointment as scheduled. 

If you need a cheerleader, supportive friend, or if you need something close to a drill sergeant, you can count on me!

That's it for today! Make some mammo-magic happen and make those appointments. 


Love to all,

Thursday, June 7, 2018

We've moved

Welcome to Andee's World! If you're looking for posts about my cancer experience, which were written in real time, you're in the right place. I'm still blogging but I've expanded the scope, just a bit. I'm writing about cancer (still), life after cancer, family, work...just about everything.  These are not posts about "social media life", but real life. I'm not perfect and I certainly don't have everything figured out.

There are more than 400 posts here to keep you entertained, so take your time here. If you're interested in the new world of me oversharing, follow the link below and come see how perfect imperfection can be.   :-)

Love to all!

Living A Perfectly Imperfect Life

Monday, February 19, 2018

How do you do it?

Has anyone figured out how to successfully “do it all”?  What do you do to keep a work/life balance?  I really want to know - let’s discuss!

Saturday, December 30, 2017

Under construction...

Stay tuned! I’m working on the conclusion (finally) of my answer about reconstruction.  Next up, “You can do it!l. 

Thursday, November 30, 2017

I miss y'all!

This will be brief but I wanted to stop by and say HI and that I miss my blog family. Life has been a little busier than expected this year but for the past month or so it's been crazy. Also, it's cancer screening season so I've been poked, prodded and tested some already but I still have my regular blood test coming up right before Christmas. That means I should know the results of everything before the holiday. I started feeling bad earlier this week and assumed I was getting hit with the stomach bug (while I was still fighting off the remnants of my Thanksgiving cold) but I think my body is trying to tell me that I'm worried deep down inside.  Sometimes I'm slow to receive the messages but I can eventually get it.

As always, I will keep you posted on the results and, as always, I'll take any prayers you want to send my way.

I'll be back soon!
Love to all,