Thursday, November 30, 2017

I miss y'all!

This will be brief but I wanted to stop by and say HI and that I miss my blog family. Life has been a little busier than expected this year but for the past month or so it's been crazy. Also, it's cancer screening season so I've been poked, prodded and tested some already but I still have my regular blood test coming up right before Christmas. That means I should know the results of everything before the holiday. I started feeling bad earlier this week and assumed I was getting hit with the stomach bug (while I was still fighting off the remnants of my Thanksgiving cold) but I think my body is trying to tell me that I'm worried deep down inside.  Sometimes I'm slow to receive the messages but I can eventually get it.

As always, I will keep you posted on the results and, as always, I'll take any prayers you want to send my way.

I'll be back soon!
Love to all,

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