Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Blog Milestone

Image result for 50,000 views

Good evening, friends.
I'm currently working on the cancer and body image post. I hope to get it done this week. Tonight, I wanted to jump on here and acknowledge a looming blog milestone. When I started posting here 3 1/2 years ago, I wasn't sure where my journey would take me or what this blog would be become, if anything. As I've said a million and a half times, I started writing to keep family and friends up to date, for my own personal therapy and to share my journey with anyone who might be interested.  If I had a goal for the blog it would be that it help provide guidance, information, comfort and support to someone else entering their New World...even it was only one person, it would be worth it. I've heard feedback from a few folks, so that's success as far as I'm concerned.  I just noticed that my little piece of the blogosphere is about rollover to 50,000 views.  That's nothing for a big time blogger but it's amazing to me. If you've been following along, I hope you've learned a little and laughed a lot (well, at least a little) along the way. Thanks for hanging in with me!

Love to all!

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