Tuesday, September 1, 2015


NEWSFLASH: you don't have to have cancer to get stressed. No, I'm not kidding!
I try to keep my cool on the outside but there are just some days that I look like this...
...on the inside. It definitely got worse when I went through my "dark period".  I'm out of it now but, like everyone else, there's still stress in my life. I'm an adult (so they tell me) and I don't know of any adults who are 100% stress free.  What I have figured out is that there are ways to manage it.
DISCLAIMER: I am not a doctor, mental health or fitness professional. I'm going to share what I have experienced. Do with it what you will...

There are many different kinds of stress. Stress from worry (is that a tumor?!), stress from work (deadline/conflict/project/problem/personnel), stress from daily life (how in the world am I going to make to soccer practice on time? I'm a horrible parent for feeding my kids what's convenient on soccer nights) and stress from trying to keep it all together (I have to be a perfect wife, perfect mother, perfect employee...all in a 24 hour day...what's going to suffer today?).  See - you probably saw yourself in one (or more) of those.

Here's what I can tell you, I have done an unplanned experiment over the last few months. I stopped exercising (for valid reasons but stopping was not good), I stopped putting myself first and my mental state, my attitude and my health suffered. Exercise, without a doubt, helps me manage stress, makes  me feel better overall and is good for me. It makes me stronger, nicer, I sleep better...all the things you hear the experts say. I felt overwhelmed and down and I did not like that feeling. So I'm back on the wagon. I finished day 4 of a 6 week plan for myself. I already feel better and a couple of people commented that I looked better. I don't think that's coincidence.

Exercise and a shift in focus helped me. 60 days ago cancer was on my mind all the time and I was terrified every minute of every day. I'm over the hump and back on track and I'm feeling good and smiling. Whatever your pain point is, don't let it win. Do something that makes you feel better and happy! Every single day is a gift, don't forget to enjoy them (even the stressful ones).

Love to all,

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