Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Just between us

Howdy friends!
I have 4 other posts in progress but I'm pushing this one to the front of the line. Why, you ask? Because I'm tired. This blog is about sharing and helping others who might walk this path one day. I've said all along that I'm not Wonder Woman and I'm reminded of every single day. As much as I would like to be normal (stop laughing, I mean MY normal), I am just not. Over time I will continue to get stronger but, here I am a year after Chemo ended, exhausted. Patience is not my thing anyway, but I feel like a year is enough time to get some stamina back...right?!
Just like every other day, I will get up and push through. I'll put a smile on my face and only you will know that I am secretly dreaming of a power nap every couple of hours. It's our little secret. 

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