Monday, April 20, 2015

This lifestyle change thing is NOT easy

Hey everyone, Doolin is about to post more crap about her daily diet and workout...thing.

know, I know BUT you need to remember why this blog was created. If you don't care, feel free to go visit a blog that's WAY more interesting and entertaining than mine. I won't be offended...really.  Well, I'll get over it...eventually.  Back to the point...remember, the point of this site is to (hopefully) share my business in hopes of helping someone else. 
Yes, I'm coming up on the 3 month mark. Yes, I've lost 20 lbs and some change. Yes, I have worked out every day but 2 since this little adventure began. NO, I am not insane. I eased up on my level of exercise for a couple of weeks and I eased up on my calorie restriction during that time as well. I don't want to burn out or overdo it. I also wanted to see if it was sustainable. So far so good! I've held steady during this experimental period and even lost some additional inches. (Doing abs daily makes all the difference.  Really)  Tomorrow though, it's game on again.

I shall NOT listen to my sweat pants...but my bathing suit and I are not yet on speaking terms. This is not easy. It takes time, effort and sometimes discomfort, but I can tell you that IT'S WORTH IT. 

Sweet story before I go...
One or both of our children are usually in the room with me when I exercise. They are so awesome! Anyway, Mattie was in the room during my morning session. I had been on the treadmill and then got on the floor for ab work. I was doing 21 Day Fix 10 Minute Abs (I prefer this version to the 21 Day Fix Extreme 10 Minute Hardcore). This is a Beachbody product, as you probably know. The following was my conversation with my daughter:

MATTIE: Mommy, What's a beach body?
ME: Well, I guess it is a body you would be proud to show at the beach. 
MATTIE: Do you have a beach body?
ME: No, not quite yet. I'm working on it but Mommy's body is a little...broken at the moment.
MATTIE: I think you're perfect, Mommy.

Then she hugged me.

Then I teared up.

Who would have thought that 5 words from a 5 year old could be so well timed and perfect.

Love to all!

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