Thursday, April 30, 2015

Quick Update

Hey there friends! It's been over a week since my last post and, if you follow along on FB, you know I have much to write about! I'll get a quick post up tonight and then hopefully have some more beginning later this weekend.
So, where should we begin? I guess health (not fitness) news should come first. Here we go!

  • I saw my oncologist this week. He's pleased with how I'm doing. We talked about my crazy fatigue from last week and mutually agreed that I just overdid it. Yes, I am once again having to acknowledge that I still have some limitations. He told me to give it time and his nurse suggested B12 and D3. I added some B6 to my pill box already. I just have to take my time and give myself a bit of a break. My poor body took a hell of a beating over the past year and normal doesn't just show up all at once. 
  • I am in the homestretch on the Herceptin. I have to get infusions every three weeks for a year and I only have 3 more treatments to go! I am expecting to wrap up with my last dose on July 1st! Of course, I had to let him know I was getting a little nervous each time we drop a treatment. It's so weird, you just want to keep doing something! He put me at ease and said the most important treatment after chemo is the Tamoxifen I take daily. I'll be on that for 5-10 years, and I'll continue to see him that entire time. I shall take a deep breath and take every day as it comes. 
  • If all goes as planned, the end of Herceptin means I can say goodbye to my "bump", as Mattie calls it. Yes, I could be going under the knife again by August. 
I think that's it for the health updates.  We have a busy weekend planned but I will be posting quick updates to FB and Instagram, for sure so, if you like that sort of thing, stop on by. 

Love to all!

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