- The loss of our first child in the second trimester of pregnancy
- The discovery of and treatment for a softball sized tumor that caused the pregnancy loss and resulted in major surgery
- We were told that as a result of the above referenced surgery. we would never have children
- (Good news here) We found out we were pregnant with Gabriel the following month
- Gabriel was born at 24 weeks gestation and spent 3 months in intensive care
- (More good news here) we were blessed with Mattie 23 months later
- Mattie almost drowned in August of 2012
So, after we received the diagnosis this week, Bobby and I were standing in the kitchen talking about everything and I said, "You know what, it's like we are the redneck version of the Kennedys. They just had one bad thing after another happen to them." I really don't do self-pity so I just have to laugh at the fact that this is like a really crappy movie.
So there you go.
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