Saturday, March 29, 2014

What the heck?

For our FB followers, you might have seen the picture with the hashtag #redneckkennedys. You're probably wondering what the heck that is all about. Well, for those of you who know me and my sense of humor and the use of it in serious situations, you'll (hopefully) appreciate this. For those of you who don't know me, I try to find humor in absolutely every situation. Cancer is no different. Those of you know Bobby and/or I, you know we've had some difficult times. Just while we've been married we've dealt with:

  • The loss of our first child in the second trimester of pregnancy
  • The discovery of and treatment for a softball sized tumor that caused the pregnancy loss and resulted in major surgery
  • We were told that as a result of the above referenced surgery. we would never have children
  • (Good news here) We found out we were pregnant with Gabriel the following month 
  • Gabriel was born at 24 weeks gestation and spent 3 months in intensive care
  • (More good news here) we were blessed with Mattie 23 months later
  • Mattie almost drowned in August of 2012
So, after we received the diagnosis this week, Bobby and I were standing in the kitchen talking about everything and I said, "You know what, it's like we are the redneck version of the Kennedys. They just had one bad thing after another happen to them."   I really don't do self-pity so I just have to laugh at the fact that this is like a really crappy movie.

So there you go.

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