Thursday, March 27, 2014

And there it is...

I never thought I would pray for "just breast cancer" but I have been for the past 24 hours. On that note, we have good news! The cancer originated where we found it. Woot woot!! That means I don't have a crazy source  tumor lurking somewhere else that landed in the breast. Of course we don't know if what I have has gone anywhere else but it's not time to deal with that. It's time to make a check mark by our first tiny victory and wait for the next step.
It's been an emotional day. Not because of the diagnosis but because this is the day we told the world. I needed to get the information out there so I could begin to focus on me and not be burdened with a secret. The messages, calls and texts I've received have been so touching. Sometimes people surprise you in the best way.
The initial shock is wearing off for most of us. It's still very new so we will continue to have ups and downs but that's OK, and it's part of the journey. You have to remember, I live with one of the toughest humans I know. He's very intuitive and knows that something isn't right so he's been hugging me a lot and asking if I'm OK. This morning he posed for this picture and reminded me that if you have fight in you, it makes all the difference. To me, this little guy IS Superman and he is definitely one of my sources of inspiration. I'm gonna fight like a preemie!

Now for the lighter side. I'm totally amused by the number of people who offered to take the punch in the face. Holy macaroni! You people are crazy...but I absolutely love it.
For those of you who were Groupies, back in the day, you know the drill. For those of you who are new to the Andee Blogging Party, I need to post some disclaimers and ground rules. I am who I am and I write what I think. I use humor (and ample amounts of sarcasm) to lighten the mood in difficult situations It's usually in an effort to make others feel more comfortable PLUS it's good for me. Don't you feel better when you laugh? What you will read typically sounds exactly like what you would hear coming out of my mouth. I'm not sure if that's good or bad but there it is.
As far as ground rules go, I don't do sympathy well. A wonderful person shared a quote with me today that I feel is appropriate. I will warn you, I'm about to type a worty dird. 'If you're looking for sympathy you'll find it between shit and syphilis in the dictionary.'" And in my mind, that's where it needs to stay. You can wish me the best, you can tell me you love me, you can tell me I'm fabulous (if anyone actually thinks that), you can tell me my husband is HOT (tell me something I DON'T know) but please don't pity me. As the "patient" in this relationship, it's my job to walk us through teachable moments like these. I'm here for you.
Cancer is something I have, it is NOT who I am. This fight will be long and probably ugly. I know that. Don't doubt for one second that my silliness translates into ignorance or denial. I am informed and aware AND I am armed and ready for battle.
That's it for tonight. I'm signing off. more thing. I always sign off the same way.

Love to all


  1. so you are amazingly fabulous! thanks for sharing your life with us. MUCH LOVE!

    1. Even though you're all grown up, you are still the spunky girl I met when you were full of energy and taking the world by storm! I have no doubt that you will tackle this situation with the same fierce determination that you've always had! Love you!!
