Tuesday, April 18, 2017

I'm baaack! : Let's talk about 2017 so far UNDER CONSTRUCTION

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Good evening friends. It has been WAAAY too long since I've posted. 3 months and 3 days, to be exact. That's unbelievable. I'll spare you the details on the boring reason why I haven't been on here and get right to the updates. 

I was so optimistic in my January 4 post. I was looking forward to a year of no procedures and some personal rebuilding. Yeah, so that didn't quite work out as planned. I provided an update on January 15 that brought you up to speed on my newest issue but, believe it or not, things got more interesting from there. First, I will close the loop on that story. I'm happy to report that the biopsy results were negative for cancer and abnormal cells. YAY!! At the same time I received my results, I was advised that I needed to schedule a D&C sometime in the next 6 weeks. BOOO! So much for that whole "no procedures" thing. As far as procedures go, it's not a bad one. Recovery time is super quick, no stitches, no new scars (BONUS!) and, sadly, it wasn't my first rodeo.  The procedure was completed in late February and I got my results back in early March. Another all clear!! 

That should be enough excitement to start the year...right?  Well, not in my world. We had another cancer scare in the time between my appointment and procedure...I found a lump.  No, I am not even joking. I will fill you in on that drama tomorrow.

To be continued...

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