Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Doctors, doctors everywhere...

I'm baaaaaaaaack.....

Yes I'm here for a post after a lengthy break. Don't worry,  I didn't "fall in the water" again. I've just been busy with life. Being busy with life makes me tired and when I'm tired I sleep whenever I get the chance. Blogging goes well with insomnia, not so much with sleeping. I'm sure you understand.
Anyway, here I am! Now what?......

I guess I could update you on the health stuff. So far this week I've seen my radiation oncologist and my medical oncologist. Basically they broke up with me. I guess, in this world, that's a good thing. We haven't called it quits completely. I will see my medical oncologist every 3 months but I'm not scheduled with my radiation oncologist for a whole year. I'm sure she will find a new favorite patient by then. I just can't think about it.   ;-) Next up I get to see my FABULOUS surgeon. Who would have ever thought I could think so highly of someone that chopped off body parts. Oh, but I do think the world of him. I've said it before and I'll say it again. If you ever have to have anything chopped off or taken out, he's your man!  
As I was saying, I will be seeing my surgeon soon so there will be talk of (knock on wood) port removal and a timeline for reconstruction and all that goes with it. He will be sending me off to a plastic surgeon for a consult at some point. What fun that will be! I've got my eye on a nice set of Scarlett Johanssons.
Scarlett Johansson, blondes, women, actresses, models, green eyes

As always, when the time comes, I will share my business with the world. :-)

We have quite an adventure planned for this weekend. I'll try to post throughout but I'll probably be sleeping when we're not out and about...heck, I might be sleeping WHILE we are out and about. I make no promises. 

I'll be back soon enough.

Love to all!

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